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Aanvulling op het bestand Readme.txt in Windows XP Step-By-Step Interactive

Gepost op 18-10-2001 - Windows XP - 0 reacties

De informatie in dit artikel is van toepassing op:

  • Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition

Dit artikel is eerder gepubliceerd onder NL309248


Dit artikel is een kopie van de aanvulling op het bestand Readme.txt uit september 2001 dat deel uitmaakt van de volgende trainingsprogramma's:
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Step-by-Step Interactive
  • Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Step-by-Step Interactive

Meer informatie

This document provides additional information about the OEM versions of Microsoft Windows XP Professional Step-by-Step Interactive and Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Step-by-Step Interactive (both referred to as SBSI) on an NTFS file system partition.

SBSI on NTFS Systems

When you install the SBSI training program on an NTFS partition, users other than those with administrator or power user privileges may not be able to access the training content. The Readme.txt file for SBSI describes this issue and states:

In order to correct this, all users must be given read/write privileges to all the files in the Database folder of the training title (usually found in C:\windows\help\sbsi\training).

To avoid having to grant write access for all users to the database files in the C:\Windows\Help\SBSI\Training folder, run the Q307460.exe file.

What the Q307460.exe File Does

To ensure that all user groups can access and successfully run the training program on their local computer, you must run the Q307460.exe file after you install SBSI.

The Q307460.exe file is a digitally-signed IExpress package that contains two files, Q307460.vbs and Usersid.exe. The package automatically starts the .vbs script.

The Q307460.vbs script copies database files from the %windir%\Help\SBSI\Training\Database folder to the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SBSI\Orun folders (or to the equivalent location on localized versions of Windows XP). The combined database files take up less than 100 kilobytes (KB). The script calls the Cacls.exe tool (included in Windows XP), and by using this tool, ensures that the Users group has write permissions added to the files that are copied. Usersid.exe provides the USERS alias as it is defined for the operating system, whether it is localized or not. Finally, the script modifies the database path in the Orun.ini file that is located in the %windir% folder.

Q307460.exe is also applicable to the localized versions of SBSI, which includes the German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Swedish, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese language versions.

How to Manually Apply Q307460.exe

Complete the installation of SBSI on your Windows XP-based computer, and then run Q307460.exe to patch the installation. You must run Q307460.exe after each SBSI installation.

How to Apply Q307460.exe Through the OPK

You need to run Q307460.exe after you install SBSI, but before the end user runs the original installation.

You can run Q307460.exe either locally or from a server. It requires no switches to run in an unattended installation, and you can run it anytime during the preinstallation process as long as SBSI has already been installed.

If you have created a master image, append the following information to run before you reseal the image.

NOTE : If you use Setupmgr.exe, edit the configuration set by opening the Application Preinstall section, and then clicking Add . Provide the appropriate information (display name and path to the patch). Save the configuration set, and then edit the Winbom.ini file of that configuration set to ensure that the patch is listed after the "Step By Step Interactive" application in the [OemRunOnce] section:



<1st line> "Step by Step Interactive", " " "

\server\share\lang\Eng\sbsi\pro\setup\setup.exe " " -SMS -S -f1" "

\server\share\lang\Eng\sbsi\pro\setup\silent.iss " " "

<2nd line> "SBSI Patch", " " " \Server\share\Q307460.exe " " "

Voor meer informatie over het verkrijgen van het bestand Q307460.exe, klikt u op het volgende artikelnummer in de Microsoft Knowledge Base:

307460 Installeer een update om fouten bij de uitvoering van het SBSI-trainingsprogramma op te lossen

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Access, Database, Patch, Update, Windows XP

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Kenniscentrum - Aanvulling op het bestand Readme.txt in Windows XP Step-By-Step Interactive
Perrit Kenniscentrum - Aanvulling op het bestand Readme.txt in Windows XP Step-By-Step Interactive