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ALT+SPACEBAR: Displays system menu.
SHIFT+F10: Displays the Help Viewer shortcut menu.
ALT+TAB: Switches between Help Viewer and other open windows.
ALT+O: Displays the Options menu.
ALT+O, T: Hides or shows the navigation pane.
CTRL+TAB: Switches to the next tab stop in the navigation pane.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB: Switches to the previous tab stop in the navigation pane.
UP ARROW: Moves up one topic in the table of contents, index, or search results list.
DOWN ARROW: Moves down one topic in the table of contents, index, or search results list.
PAGE UP: Moves up one page in the table of contents, index, or search results list.
PAGE DOWN: Moves down one page in the table of contents, index, or search results list.
F6: Switches focus between the navigation pane and the topic pane.
ALT+O, R: Refreshes the topic that appears in the topic pane.
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW: Scrolls through a topic.
CTRL+HOME: Moves to the beginning of a topic.
CTRL+END: Moves to the end of a topic.
CTRL+A: Highlights all text in the topic pane.
ALT+O, P: Prints a topic.
ALT+O, B: Moves back to the previously viewed topic.
ALT+O, F: Moves forward to the next (previously viewed) topic.
ALT+F4: Closes the Help Viewer.
ALT+C: Displays the Contents tab
RIGHT ARROW: Opens a book.
LEFT ARROW: Closes a book.
BACKSPACE: Returns to the previous open book.
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW: Selects a topic.
ENTER: Displays the selected topic.
ALT+N: Displays the Index tab.
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW: Selects a keyword in the list.
ALT+D or ENTER: Displays the associated topic.
ALT+S: Displays the Search tab.
ALT+L: Starts a search.
ALT+D or ENTER: Displays the selected topic.
ALT+I: Displays the Favorites tab.
ALT+A: Adds a topic to the Topics list.
ALT+P: Selects a topic in the Topics list.
ALT+R: Removes a topic from the Topics list.
ALT+D: Displays a topic from the Topics list.
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