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How To Manage Identities In Microsoft Entourage

Gepost op 06-06-2002 - Overige Microsoft Producten - 0 reacties

De informatie in dit artikel is van toepassing op:

  • MSN Internet Access for Macintosh, version 1.0

Dit artikel is eerder gepubliceerd onder NL319036


This article describes how to manage identities in Microsoft Entourage.

The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft Entourage

Meer informatie

To create an identity in Microsoft Entourage
  1. Start Microsoft Entourage.
  2. ClickFile, and then clickSwitch Identity.
  3. When prompted"Are you sure you want to close all connections and windows for the current identity?", clickSwitch.
  4. In theSelect an identitywindow, clickNew.

    If you preferto be prompted to select an identity each time you start Microsoft Entourage, clickShow this list at Startup.
  5. AfterIdentity Name:, type the label you want to associate with the identity.
  6. Verify that underEntourage Defaults,Base initial settings onis selected.
  7. ClickOK.
  8. Follow the steps in theEntourage Setup Assistant.

    An alternate identity has now been created.
To switch between identities in Microsoft Entourage
  1. On theFilemenu, clickSwitch Identity.
  2. When prompted"Are you sure you want to close all connections and windows for the current identity?", clickSwitch.
  3. Select theIdentity, and then clickOK.

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