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Shop - MS Dynamics NAV 2018

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MS Dynamics NAV 2018

Prijzen vanaf: € 8,75

There are basically 3 types of environments especially configured for MS Dynamics NAV usage. We deliver these environments standard without the NAV license, because a lot of companies already have a license. Optionally we can also provide the NAV license. The 3 types of environments differ in how much management (deployments, updates, monitoring, optimizing) you want to do yourself. All three types can be used for production and/or development. Production and development can even be on different types of environments (for instance you are developing on a Self Managed environment where the customer uses a Fully Managed environment.


The NAV environment can be delivered on a shared platform or private cloud.

    Product Aantal gebruikers Eenmalig Maandelijks
  Basic Managed NAV 2017 Large   € 0,00 € 422,80
  Basic Managed NAV 2017 Medium   € 0,00 € 282,50
  DTAP / OTAP environment NAV (sandbox)   € 0,00 € 89,00
  Fully Managed NAV 2017 Large   € 0,00 € 441,60
  Fully Managed NAV 2017 Medium   € 0,00 € 290,40
  Fully Managed NAV 2017 small   € 0,00 € 178,50
  Fully Managed NAV 2018 | Non Profit   € 250,00 € 119,50
  Fully Managed NAV 2018 User   € 0,00 € 8,75

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MS Dynamics NAV  - no license environments
There are basically 3 types of environments especially configured for MS Dynamics NAV usage. We deliver these environments standard without the NAV license, because a lot of companies already have a license. Optionally we can also provide the NAV license. The 3 types of environments differ in how much management (deployments, updates, monitoring, optimizing) you want to do yourself. All three types can be used for production and/or development. Production and development can even be on different types of environments (for instance you are developing on a Self Managed environment where the customer uses a Fully Managed environment.


Fully Managed
In a Fully Managed environment you do not have to worry about updates for OS or SQL, monitoring, backups or optimization of the services: Perrit will take care of that. NAV is pre-installed on a Microsoft Virtual Server, with a connection to a shared SQL HA cluster. You do not have direct access via RDP to that server.



Access to NAV Server Only by using Citrix (optional)
Access to SQL Server Only by using Citrix (optional)
Access to the NAV Development client Only by using Citrix (optional)
Client Access You and your customer get access to NAV using the web client or the RTC via clickonce. Additional option is to use Citrix for access, for instance on Apple devices.




Basic Managed
In a Basic Managed environment you as a partner will take care of OS updates, monitoring en technical support because you are able to make changes in NAV. You don't have to worry about SQL knowledge, SQL backups or SQL load balancing: Perrit will take care of that! NAV is pre-installed on a MS Windows 2012 virtual server, with a connection to a shared SQL HA cluster.



Access to NAV Server Access via one RDP connection. (Optional are more RDP connections or Citrix)
Access to SQL Server Only by using Citrix (optional)
Access to the NAV Development client Via the provided RDP connection (Optional are more RDP connections or Citrix)
Client Access You and your customer get access to NAV using the web client or the RTC via clickonce. Additional option is to use Citrix for access, for instance on Apple devices.




Self Managed
In a Self Managed environment you are responsible for the OS updates, monitoring and technical support because the partner is able to make changes in both SQL and NAV. Be aware there is no load balancing and you have to create backups yourself! NAV is pre-installed on a Microsoft Virtual Server, with a connection to a local SQL Express database on the same server. Be aware the database size is limited to 8GB. When a database bigger then 8GB is needed please contact Perrit.



Access to NAV/SQL Server Access via one RDP connection. (Optional are more RDP connections or Citrix)
Access to the NAV Development client Via the provided RDP connection (Optional are more RDP connections or Citrix)
Client Access You and your customer get access to NAV using the web client or the RTC via clickonce. Additional option is to use Citrix for access, for instance on Apple devices.



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<p>SharePoint Server is dé tool voor het opzetten van een intranet of extranet voor jouw organisatie. Deel documenten en status updates. Zoek naar de juiste expertise binnen je organisatie. Automatiseer bedrijfsprocessen. Zoek, vind en orden belangrijke informatie snel dankzij rijke metadata. </p>

SharePoint Server 2013 & 2016

SharePoint Server is dé tool voor het opzetten van een intranet of extranet voor jouw organisatie. Deel documenten en status updates. Zoek naar de juiste expertise binnen je organisatie. Automatiseer bedrijfsprocessen. Zoek, vind en orden belangrijke informatie snel dankzij rijke metadata. 

Vanaf € 8,25per gebruiker per maand.
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Gebruik SharePoint Foundation 2013 voor het aanmaken van teamsites en laat mensen eenvoudig status updates en informatie met elkaar delen.

Vanaf € 9,55per gebruiker per maand.


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Shop - MS Dynamics NAV 2018
Perrit Shop - MS Dynamics NAV 2018